App “AB.MONEY” Terms of Use
Moscow, Updated December 1, 2022
Limited Liability Company "AB BRAND" (INN 7734452701, OGRN 1227700165824), hereinafter referred to - the Administration, guided by Articles 428, 435, 437, 438 and 1286 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, publishing or sending this User Agreement offers each individual, who agrees with the terms stated in this User Agreement and the way specified in it (hereinafter - User) conclude a license agreement for a non-exclusive license to use the software product "AB.MONEY" (hereinafter - the Application), the terms and procedure for the acquisition of which is presented on the Internet website and is available for downloading using mobile application stores - Google play, App Store and any other at the Administration's choice on the terms set forth below (hereinafter - the Agreement).
According to Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Agreement shall be concluded in a simplified manner by means of acceptance of this Agreement by the User.
Proper acceptance of this Agreement in accordance with Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation shall be considered as the performance by the User of all the listed actions altogether:
- familiarization of the User with the terms of this Agreement and the Personal Data Processing Policy available on the Internet at, as well as this User Agreement available on the Internet at

- actual use of the Application by the User;

-performance of payment actions by the User in accordance with paragraph 3.3 of this Agreement.

Acceptance of this Agreement is a confirmation that all and any terms of the Agreement are accepted completely and without any reservations or limitations by the User, while the acceptance of the Agreement confirms that the User understands all the terms of the Agreement, and also confirms that the terms of the entire Agreement comply with the User's will, needs and requirements.
Acceptance of this Agreement by the User is a proper knowledgeable approval for receiving advertisements and other messages from the Administration within and by means of the Application.
The Agreement may be modified by the Administration without any special notification, the new edition of the Agreement is effective immediately upon its posting on the Internet at the address specified in this paragraph, unless otherwise provided by the new edition of the Agreement. The current edition is always available on the Website specified in clause 1.2 of the Agreement.
The following words and expressions shall have the following meanings in this Agreement, unless otherwise specifically stated in its text:

"Agreement" - an agreement containing all the essential terms and conditions of a license agreement according to the meaning of paragraph 2 Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which expresses the will of the Administration to enter into such an agreement on the terms specified in the User Agreement with any legal entity and an individual who will respond.

"Acceptance" - any individual's response of complete and unconditional acceptance of the User Agreement.

"Administration" - OOO "AB BRAND", which is the owner and copyright holder of the exclusive rights for the Application.

"User" - any individual who has shown interest in the Application by making actual use of the Application and has accepted Terms of Use (Agreement).

"Application" ("AB.MONEY Application") - the "AB.MONEY" application for digital devices, which is:

- published and available for downloading through the mobile application stores - Google play, App Store and any other at the choice of the Administration through the information and communication network "Internet" by any user who has installed on their smartphone operating system Google Android (version 4.4.2 and above) or Apple iOS (version 9 and above),

- representing a data collection, commands and audiovisual images produced by it, activated sequentially to obtain a certain result by the User, according to the logic of the Application after the Tariff payment, the terms of which are available on the Internet at the website of the Administration,

- designed to provide the User paid access to the materials of the Application for the period specified on the website of the Administration.
Terms of use for the application are available in the application. All application content, including its icon and title are protected by copyright, for violation of copyright Administration provides the liability under the Agreement and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Official links to download the application:

App Store

Google Play

"Functionality" - a data collection, commands and audiovisual images produced by it, activated sequentially in order to obtain a certain result by the User, according to the logic of the Application. This Application is designed to provide the User with consistent access to materials, including text, audio and video materials, links to online conferences on the Zoom platform, audio files and images within the time period specified in Section 6 of the Agreement.

"Privacy Policy" means the Administration's personal data processing policy available at

"Administration Website"/ "Website" - a set of web pages posted in the information and communication network "Internet", united by a single theme, design, common address space of domains, containing information, texts, graphic elements, images, photos, video materials and other results of intellectual property, as well as programs for the electronic devices, including, but not limited to the following domain names,

"Tariffs"/"Participation Tariffs" - the Administration's defined meaningful complex access for the cost specified on the Website.

"Audiovisual Content" (hereinafter in the text of the Agreement - AVP) - (according to Article 1263 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), composed of a fixed series of interconnected images (with or without sound accompanying) and intended for visual and auditory (if accompanied by sound) comprehension by means of appropriate technical devices (including a video clip, video recording of a performance, etc.). AVP is all video content posted on the Website and provided to the User as part of the non-exclusive license.
"Right to AVP" (license agreement) - the right to use the works, and/or AVP, and/or images, and/or text and graphic materials under a non-exclusive license (without the right to sublicense) in the following ways within the term and territory set out in the agreement, which means the right to perform independently with respect to the works (both fully and partially and/or fragments of any duration), both in the original and in technically revised form (including in the form of mobile content) within the entire world and the term limited in the agreement, purchased on the website or by a learning platform using AVP by means listed below.
"Right to AVP" (license agreement) - the right to use the works, and/or AVP, and/or images, and/or text and graphic materials under a non-exclusive license (without the right to sublicense) in the following ways within the term and territory set out in the agreement, which means the right to perform independently with respect to the works (both fully and partially and/or fragments of any duration), both in the original and in technically revised form (including in the form of mobile content) within the whole world and the term limited in the agreement, purchased on the website or by a learning platform using AVP by means listed below.
To the specified ways of using the license right, the Administration, under this contract, refers the viewing of AVP by the User personally using a computer or other means exclusively for personal needs, an unlimited number of times during the period of access under the submitted User Agreement, according to the Tariff selected on the Website, without the right to copy and distribute. (Posted on the resources of the Administration AVP has specialized software trace protection, which allows tracking any attempts of illegal copying and distribution of materials, in this regard, the User is warned of responsibility for any illegal actions with the right to appeal to the Administration of law enforcement agencies with simultaneous transmission of the results of trace software data, indicating a specific address recorded by the system automatically).
Channel/ tg-channel/Telegram channel/Telegram channel - is a closed channel of the Administration called "MILLIARD" located in the Telegram messenger and containing the aggregate results of intellectual activity owned by the Administration, access to which is provided under this Agreement in case of its payment on the terms and conditions of the Administration.
The content of the MILLIARD tg-channel - is an aggregate of audiovisual works, text, graphics and other materials, the exclusive rights to which belong to the Administration.
All other terms and definitions used in the text of the User Agreement shall be interpreted by the Parties in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the current recommendations (RFC) of international authorities for standardization on the Internet and the usual rules of interpretation of the relevant terms on the Internet.
Terms and definitions may be used both in singular and plural depending on the context, the spelling of terms may be used with both capital and small letters.
The names of the headings (sections), as well as the design of the User Agreement are intended exclusively for the convenience of use of its text and have no literal legal meaning.
2. Agreement Subject 

Under this Agreement the Administration grants to the User a non-exclusive license to use the "AB.MONEY" application within the limits specified in this User Agreement, available at the address of the Website, and exclusively for personal non-commercial use.
The non-exclusive license to use the "AB.MONEY" application purchased by the User for a charge (hereinafter - the "Charge") includes:
- The right to personal non-commercial use of the materials contained in the Application and available to the User at a specific rate for the period specified in Section 6 of the Agreement and on its terms and conditions;
The User agrees to accept the granted right to use (non-exclusive license) the Application under the conditions of the chosen cost specified in the Tariffs, posted at the Website address on the Internet and the option, according to paragraph 2.2 of the Agreement, and to pay the remuneration to the Administration in the terms and manner provided in this User Agreement.
Distributions (copies) of the Application shall not be transferred to the User on a physical storage medium.
Granting a non-exclusive license for the right to use the software does not require a special act of granting. The non-exclusive license shall be considered granted from the date of conclusion of this Agreement. This clause is considered by the Parties as equivalent to the act of granting a non-exclusive license.
The right to use the Application granted under this Agreement does not include the right to enter into sublicense agreements.
Within the scope of the non-exclusive license for the Application granted to the User by this Agreement, the Administration also grants the User the right to receive regular updates within one version (minor updates of the current release, which are not a new version) and new versions of the Application (major updates - new releases, which are new versions) during the entire term of this User Agreement if such updates are issued by the Administration and are paid by the User within a specific timeframe.
This Agreement does not provide a transfer of rights to the intellectual property of the Administration (or any part thereof), except for non-exclusive license, which is provided under this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute an assignment of the intellectual property rights of the Administration or a waiver of such rights on the basis of the law.
The right to use the Application on the basis of a simple (non-exclusive) license granted under this Agreement shall be effective until revoked by the User, or until the expiry of the period of access under the specific Tariffs.
3. The remuneration

A non-exclusive license to use the "AB.MONEY" application is provided to the User within the scope of the functional capabilities of the Application and for a fee (remuneration) specified in the Tariffs (the Tariff).
The fee established in the Tariff (Remuneration of Administration under this Agreement) is indicated on the Administration's Website and may be modified by the Administration at any time without notifying the User. The new fee enters into force from the date of publication and does not apply to the rates that have been paid by the User at the time of publication.

Remuneration of Administration does not include commissions charged by banks or payment systems for payment processing.

Remuneration of Administration is indicated in the currency of the Russian Federation.

3.2 Payment for the functionality of the Application is made by the User on the basis of the conditions published on the Administration's website.

3.3 Payment of the Remuneration is made by the User online according to its choice in accordance with the terms, published on the Website of the Administration.

3.4 Access to the materials of the Application is provided after full payment of the Administration remuneration according to the selected Participant Tariff and the method selected according to paragraph 3.2.
3.5 After the payment is transferred to the account of the Administration or payment confirmation in the payment system, the User receives by email specified in the order, all necessary information to access the Application.

3.6. The User, who is a representative of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, pays the Remuneration under this Agreement by bank transfer to the settlement account of the Administration on the basis of the issued invoice.

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs may also pay by means of a corporate bank card issued to the respective legal entity or individual entrepreneur. 

3.7. Administration is not responsible for any losses and other negative consequences which may occur to the User and/or third parties due to incorrect execution of payment terms by the User, requirements of payment systems, improper indication of personal data or details of payment or other data.

Security, as well as other terms of use of payment methods chosen by the User are outside the scope of the Agreement and are regulated by agreements with the relevant payment aggregators.

3.8 For the purposes of this Agreement payment is considered made by the User from the moment of

- receipt of funds of the User to the settlement account of the Administration from the payment agent (subagent) engaged in receiving payments from physical persons;

- receipt by the Administration's settlement account of the User's funds transferred by the User to a credit organization or a bank payment agent (without establishing a bank account);

- or from the date of funds receipt to the Administration's settlement account by the credit organization or payment system servicing the User.
3.9. All fees and taxes, as well as other expenses related to the implementation of this Agreement shall be incurred by the Parties independently in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The amount of remuneration is subject to VAT due to the Administration's general system of taxation.

3.10. The User is obliged to keep the proof of payment documents for the entire time of use of the Application by the User and provide such documents upon request of the Administration.

3.11. The User shall independently and at their own expense bear all costs associated with the transfer of funds to the Administration, including various fees and commissions of banks and payment system operators.

3.12. The Administration's obligation to provide the User with the rights to use the Application is considered fulfilled by the Administration at the time of granting access in accordance with Section 6 of the Agreement.

Until receipt of payment confirmation, the Administration is entitled not to grant the User the right to use the Application.

3.13. The right to use the functionality of the Application is provided to the User for the term of this Agreement, if such right is not terminated earlier.
Terms of the license agreement.

The Administration, which has an exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity (Application) and means of individualization (brand name, trademark and service mark, commercial designation), has the right to use such result or such means at its discretion in any way not contrary to the law. The Administration may manage the exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity or means of individualization.
The Administration may at its discretion allow or prohibit others, including Users, to use the result of intellectual activity or means of individualization. Absence of the prohibition is not considered as consent (permission).
Other persons may not use the relevant result of intellectual activity or means of individualization without written consent of the Administration, except as provided by this Agreement. The use of the result of intellectual activity or means of individualization, if such use is carried out without the Administration's consent, is illegal and results in the liability established by the Russian legislation, except for the cases when the use of the result of intellectual activity or means of individualization by persons other than the Administration without its consent is allowed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
The Administration may manage its exclusive rights to the intellectual activity result or means of individualization by any means not contrary to the law and the essence of such exclusive rights, including granting the User the right to use the respective intellectual activity result or means of individualization within the limits set forth in the agreement (license agreement).
Conclusion of the license agreement does not result in transfer of the exclusive right to the User.
Under the license agreement, one party - the Administration as the owner of the exclusive right to the result of intellectual activity or means of individualization provides the other party - the User with the right to use such result or such means within the limits specified in the agreement.
The User may use the result of intellectual activity or means of individualization only within the limits of those rights and those methods provided by the license agreement. The right to use the result of intellectual activity or means of individualization which is not directly specified in the license agreement shall not be considered as granted to the User.
Right to use the result of intellectual activity or means of individualization under the license agreement is not liable to state registration.
Under the license agreement the User agrees to pay to the Administration the remuneration stipulated in the agreement in accordance with Section 3 of the Agreement.
4.10. Usage of the Website and/or the Application, and the content/materials of the Website and/or the Application by the Administration is limited by the Customer's obligation to refrain from:

- reproducing, repeating, copying, selling and assigning, using for any commercial purposes any of the Application materials provided under this User Agreement;

- recording video, audio, text and other materials and content for the purposes of their distribution (including in the form of placement on the Internet, including paid and unpaid, for the transfer to the collective / shared ownership of "stock", "leaks", "torrents" and similar "distribution of materials")

- rebroadcasting (including paid) to individuals who have not signed a contract with the Administration for the services;

- Transmission to any third parties without the written permission of the Administration logins and passwords, materials and content of the learning platform, accesses provided by the Administration to the User within the terms of this User Agreement;

- creating third-party chats with users of the Application in any social networks and messengers (for example, WhatsApp, Telegram and other social networks).

All of the above obligations of the User to refrain from specific actions are direct prohibitions of the Administration to perform specific actions specified in this paragraph by the User.

In case of violation of this paragraph the User shall pay to the Administration a fine of 1 000 000 (one million) rubles for each identified violation, as well as compensation for all damages, including loss of profits.

4.11. If the User violates the terms of this Agreement relating to the protection of copyright of the Administration, the User's access to the Application may be blocked, the contract may be terminated one-sidedly, no refunds are made. Withheld funds are to be counted as a penalty.
5. Rights and obligations of the Parties

5.1 Rights and obligations of the Administration:

5.1.1 The Administration guarantees that it has all legal grounds to grant the User a non-exclusive license to use the Application. All rights to the Application and its components belong to the Administration or other rights holders who have granted a non-exclusive license to the Administration with the possibility of sublicensing, including on the terms of an open license (LGPL, BSD, MIT, etc.).

5.1.2. The Administration shall make all reasonable efforts to ensure the stable functioning of the Application, its gradual improvement, correction of errors in performance, however, it is provided to the User on the principle of "as is" (AS IS). This means that the Administration: does not guarantee the absence of errors in the Application; is not responsible for the smooth operation of the Application and its compatibility with the software and hardware of the User and other persons; is not responsible for any losses that have occurred or may occur due to or during the use of the Application; is not responsible for non-performance or improper performance of its obligations due to failures in telecommunications and power networks, the actions of malicious programs, as well as unauthorized access and (or) disabling of software and (or) hardware complex of the Administration.
5.1.3. The Administration guarantees to the User the functionality of the Application, if the User accesses it by using the up-to-date versions of the operating systems specified in Section 1 of the Agreement.

5.1.4. The Administration agrees to ensure the possibility of the User's right to use the Application, which is provided under this Agreement.

5.1.5. The Administration agrees to provide the User the right to use the Application on the terms of a royalty-free non-exclusive license.

5.1.6. The Administration may at any time restrict, expand or change the content of the Application without prior notice to the User.

5.1.7. The Administration may update the required specifications of operating systems on Technical Systems of the User. In such a case, in order to continue using the Application, the User must download a new updated version of the operating system on the Technical Device of the User.

5.1.8. The Administration shall be entitled to immediately block the User's ability to use the rights to the Application if the User violates the terms of this Agreement or if the Administration considers the actions of the User to be fraudulent or aimed at causing damage to the Application, the reputation or brand of the Administration.

5.1.9. The Administration may send by any method organizational and technical information, information about the functioning of the Application, as well as post advertising, informational and other messages within the Application, and the User, by accepting the terms of this Agreement, confirms its consent to it. The Parties have agreed to consider this clause as a prior consent of the User to receive advertising according to Article 18 of the Federal Law of 13.03.2006 No. 38-FZ "About Advertising".

5.1.10. The Administration has the right to process personal data of the User according to the Privacy Policy on the Website, and in accordance with the law.

5.1.11. Administration has the right to transfer the rights and obligations under this Agreement to third parties for the purpose of performance of this Agreement without additional consent of the User
5.2 Rights and obligations of the User:

5.2.1 The User has the right to use the Application by methods not prohibited by this Agreement and the current international and Russian legislation in accordance with its purpose and within the limits of its functionality.

5.2.2 In case of any technical problems in the Application, the User has the right to contact the Administration to clarify the situation and take the necessary measures.

5.2.3. The User has the right to ensure the safety of its personal data, as much as it depends on the Administration in accordance with the applicable international and Russian laws.

5.2.4. The User agrees to appropriately comply with the terms of this Agreement and the applicable laws of the Russian Federation, as well as the rights and legitimate interests of the Administration.

5.2.5 The User agrees not to use the Application or its parts for any purposes other than personal non-commercial use.

5.2.6. The User shall refrain from actions intended to destabilize the Application, from attempting unauthorized access to the Application, its parts and code, as well as from performing any other actions that violate the rights of the Administration or third parties.

5.2.7. The User agrees not to attempt disabling or otherwise interfering with any technical facilities of protection of the Application.

5.2.8 The User agrees not to attempt any changes or modifications to any part of the Application.
5.2.9. The User agrees to refrain from using the Application in ways not specified in this Agreement.

5.2.10. The User agrees to provide protection from viruses and other malicious software for all their devices from which usage is performed

5.2.11. The User agrees to compensate losses (actual damages/loss of benefit) and/or compensation for the violation of the Administration's exclusive rights to the Application.

5.2.12. The User is eligible for a refund (the Administration's Remuneration) in exceptional cases specified in Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement.

5.2.13. By accepting this User Agreement, the User gives its consent to the Administration: for the Administration to use on a free basis in Instagram Stories, Instagram posts in the Administration's accounts and and on the Administration's websites and in the Application:

- his image as a photo of the User (avatar),
- his video image (video images),
- his (her) name and surname, and feedback about the materials in the Application and AB.MONEY Application, received by the Administration, or other services or accesses provided by the Administration. to send and receive newsletters and advertising materials/notices from the Administration, or from other persons on behalf of the Administration to the email address and contact phone number provided by the User when registering on the Website.

Consent to send and receive newsletters and promotional materials / messages from the Administration may be revoked by the User at any time by sending a notice to the Contractor at the address: to process his personal data according to the Privacy Policy provided during the registration on the Website, as well as in the User's personal profile of the Application, specifically: name, surname; image; e-mail address; contact phone number; accounts in messaging programs and social networks, income level, profession, short biography, area of activity.
6. Terms and order of access provision.

6.1 Under this Agreement the User, who has accepted this User Agreement by the Administration, is provided

6.1.1. Access to the official closed channel in the Telegram messenger - "Milliard" channel - is provided within 3 (three) business days from the date of acceptance of the Agreement by the User in terms of providing access to the channel and paying the Remuneration on the terms and conditions of the Administration

6.1.2. Access to the sections of the "Chatik Milliard" Application and its content (constituting a part of the Application materials) in the Application will be provided from the date the Customer pays the Remuneration under the terms and conditions of the Administration indefinitely if all the following conditions are fulfilled:

- observance by the Customer of the terms of this User Agreement;

- payment by the Customer 100% of the payment in the order and within the terms specified in this Agreement

- functioning of the Application.

- no revocation of the User's consent to the processing of personal data

- no revocation of acceptance or refund of remuneration under the terms of Appendix No.1

- User's installed application on his personal smartphone or tablet.
6.1.3. Access to the free parts of the Application is provided from the moment of installation of the Application and establishment of his account in it, if all the following conditions are fulfilled:
- observance by the Customer of the terms of this User Agreement;

- payment by the Customer 100% of the payment in the order and within the terms specified in this Agreement

- functioning of the Application.

- no revocation of the User's consent to the processing of personal data

- no revocation of acceptance or refund of remuneration under the terms of Appendix No.1

- User's installed application on his personal smartphone or tablet.
6.1.4. Access to the paid parts of the Application is provided from the moment of installation of the Application and the establishment of his account in it, if all the following conditions are fulfilled:
- observance by the Customer of the terms of this User Agreement;

- payment by the Customer 100% of the payment in the order and within the terms specified in this Agreement

- functioning of the Application.

- no revocation of the User's consent to the processing of personal data

- no revocation of acceptance or refund of remuneration under the terms of Appendix No.1

- User's installed application on his personal smartphone or tablet.
6.2 Accesses are provided by the Administration after the User accepts this Agreement and pays the Remuneration:

- the access specified in Section 6.1.1 of the Agreement is provided by sending an email from the Administration to the User's email specified during registration on the Website, which contains an active button for the channel.

- Access specified in paragraphs 6.1.2 - 6.1.4 of the Agreement is provided by sending an email from the Administration to the email of the User, specified during registration on the Website, which contains an individual password for the User's personal account in the Application.
6.3 Conditions for cancellation of access when refunds are made:
6.3.1 When the User makes a refund and refuses to fulfill the terms of this Agreement, all accesses specified in paragraph 6.1. Agreement are deleted no later than one (1) calendar day from the date of receipt of the refund request without the right to restore the accesses.
7. Liability
The Party that fails to perform or improperly performs its obligations under this Agreement is liable to compensate to the other Party for the losses caused by such failure to perform.
The User is aware of the essential functional properties of the Application with regard to which the rights of use are provided. The Administration is not responsible for the non-conformity of the Application to the User's expectations and needs, for the improper functioning of the Application on the User's hardware, and for any losses, damages, regardless of the causes of its occurrence, (including, but not limited to, special, accidental or indirect damages, losses related to lost profits, interruption of commercial or production activities, loss of business information, carelessness, or any other losses) caused by the use or failure to use the Application.
The Parties are exempt from liability for partial or complete failure to perform their obligations under the Agreement, if such failure is a consequence of force majeure circumstances that occurred after the conclusion of the Agreement as a result of extraordinary events, which the Parties could neither foresee nor prevent by reasonable measures. Such force majeure events include: flooding, fire, earthquake, explosion, land subsidence, epidemics and other natural phenomena, as well as war or military actions, strike in the industry or region, adoption of a legal act by a state authority or local government, as well as shutdown of data centers located in the Russian Federation from the global Internet and blocking of servers or connections by regulatory authorities.
Circumstances of insuperable force do not include, in particular, entrepreneurial risks, such as violation of obligations by counterparties of the debtor, lack of goods needed to fulfill obligations, lack of necessary funds, as well as financial and economic crisis, changes in exchange rates, devaluation of national currency, criminal actions of unidentified persons.
In the event of force majeure circumstances specified in this Chapter, each Party shall notify the other Party of them immediately in writing. The notification must contain data on the nature of the circumstances, as well as official documents certifying the presence of these circumstances and, if possible, giving an assessment of their impact on the possibility of performance by the Party of its obligations under this Agreement.
In other cases, the Parties are liable for non-performance or improper performance of their obligations under this Agreement in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
8. Dispute Resolution
All disputes related to the Agreement are resolved in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
In case of a dispute, a party will take measures to settle it out of court by sending a written claim (demand) to the other party.
Any claims (demands) of the User should be sent to the Administration by sending an electronic message using the methods provided in the sections "Legally Significant Messages" and "Agreement between Parties of Electronic Interaction" of the User Agreement. The Administration shall not be liable and shall not guarantee the responses to the claims sent to it by any other means.
The Administration is obliged within ten (10) working days to consider the claim and send a response in the same manner as the claim was received. In this case, claims of Users who can not be identified on the basis of the data provided by them during registration (including anonymous claims), the Administration will not consider. If the User does not agree with the motives given by the Administration in response to the claim, the dispute resolution procedure is repeated.
If the parties can not settle the dispute out of court, it can be transferred to the state court at the location of the Administration after 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of the original claim (demand), to be resolved according to the regulations of Russian law.
9. Final Clauses.
The Agreement, its conclusion and performance are regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. All matters not regulated by the Agreement or not regulated completely are regulated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
All disputes and disagreements between the parties should be settled, if possible, by negotiations and if no agreement is reached by negotiations, by a court at the location of the Administration.
A court decision that any clause of this Agreement is null and void or unenforceable does not invalidate any of its other clauses.
In case this clause does not comply with the terms of promotional offers for certain groups of persons provided by the Administration within specific launches, follow the promotional offers for certain groups of persons posted on the official website of the Administration.
10. Requisites
Limited Liability Company "AB.BRAND" (OOO "AB.BRAND")
Taxpayer Identification Number (INN) 7734452701 
Tax Registration Reason Code (KPP) 773401001
Primary State Registration Number (OGRN) 1227700165824
Registered/postal address:
123154, Moscow, Ulitsa Marshala Tukhachevskogo, 25, k. 2, apt. 49
Russian National Classifier of Economic Activities (OKVED) 62.01
Bank details:
Account 40702810510001035803
Bank Joint-Stock Company "TINKOFF BANK" Legal address of the bank Moscow, 127287, 38A, 2nd Khutorskaya str. 26, p26 Bank correspondent account 30101810145250000974
Taxpayer Identification Number (INN) of the bank 7710140679
Russian Central Bank Identification Code (RCBIC) 044525974
Contact information:
Phone: +7(962)972-29-27
E-mail address:
Director of OOO "AB.BRAND" Private Entrepreneur (PE) Bochkova Daria Evgenievna
1. Full refund of the User's funds minus the Administration's actual expenses (commissions of banking, credit institutions and relevant payment systems for receiving funds from the User and for refunding funds to the User) is performed by the Administration if the User submits a written application for termination of the contract and a refund (hereinafter - the refund request) no later than the day preceding the day of access to the Application specified on the website.
2. After the day of the start of access to the Application according to the current program, at the initiative of the User to terminate this Agreement, the funds are not refundable; in this case the User and the Administration assume that this payment is the payment of remuneration for the provision of a non-exclusive license.